Veterinarians in Seattle WA

Your Other Family Doctor

4440 California Ave SW. Seattle, WA 98116


Fax: 206-260-8761
Monday – Friday: 7:30am to 6:00pm
Saturday: 9:00am to 4:00pm


Meet Our Administrators


Trisha, Operations Coordinator

Born and raised in Seattle, Trisha started out as a veterinary assistant in 2017. Not long after, she developed a newfound joy for helping in all aspects of the practice; and is currently working towards obtaining her CVPM(certified veterinary practice manager) designation. She resides in Covington with her wife, son, two dogs, and their cat.

Renee, Lead Trainer

Renee has been with Greentree as a client service representative since 2013. When she’s not spending time with doggies Mabel & Bradley, you will often find her handing out treats to staff pets and patients.